Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our Super Trustee

What does it take to be a Super Trustee? Well, in the case of HPL’s esteemed Chair, five years of service on the Board of Trustees, two of those as Chair, two years of service on the North Coast Library Federation (NCLF) Board as Chair and two years as a director for the BC Library Trustees Association (BCLTA). Not to mention endless hours of volunteer time at meetings and in consultation with Library directors, Federation Coordinators and fellow Trustees across the province. Natasha Brienen wears many hats in the provincial library world. And she does all this between taking care of her husband and four children.

At the BCLTA Annual General Meeting that was held in conjunction with the BC Library Association Spring Conference and Annual General Meeting this past April, Natasha was honoured with a Super Trustee Award. This award is presented annually to library trustees that have made major contributions to their libraries.

As presenter of the awards this year, keeping her nomination and award a secret from her was tricky. But the look on her face when Andy Ackerman, the Chair for the BCLTA, called her up to receive the reward was one of those priceless moments where one really should have had a camera ready. Alas, we were caught without photographic equipment and had to settle for the memory!

Natasha’s contribution to HPL, NCLF and the BCLTA have helped to shape library structure and leadership in the province. Her guidance and support are gratefully appreciated by the Chief Librarian at HPL and the Coordinator for the NCLF. Her voice at the provincial level ensures that library advocacy continues to reach the government and libraries continue to receive the support they need from it.

Now, it’s confession time...

This blog should have been done ages ago. I’ve been waiting for the photos from other camera-ready attendees. There have been some technical difficulties as well. But with the better-late-than-never adage rolling around in my head to assuage my guilt, here, at last, is the tribute to our wonderful and beloved Chairperson!

Congratulation, Natasha! You really are a Super Trustee!

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